This project locates and urbanises the current state of the epidemiological transition in India and seeks comparatives across the global south.
Omkar is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at IIHS. He is part of the PEAK streams, ‘Urban Health in the Indian Metropolis’ and ‘Metropolitan Development and Land-Based Financing’’. As part of the stream on ‘Metropolitan and Land Based Financing’, he looks at the impact of financialisation of municipal corporations on the provision of public services.
Omkar completed his PhD titled, ‘Bio political economy of medical biotechnology in India: constitution of patient-consumer subjectivities’, from the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru. The thesis examined the role of various actors including state and its institutions, financial actors and academia in the constitution of a medical biotechnology ecosystem in India. It also studied the increasing prevalence of personalised medicine particularly in the context of genomic diagnostic tests and the concomitant practices of value extraction.
Omkar’s research interests include critical social theory, political economy, science technology, society studies, financialisation and public health.