This project has assessed the dynamics of SDG localization in the City of Cape Town to gain a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities for SDG implementation at the subnational level.
Sylvia Croese is an urban sociologist, previously based at the African Centre for Cities. Her research focuses on the governance, localisation and implementation of global urban development policy, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals, and its interface with urban research.
She was an embedded researcher in the City of Cape Town as part of the Mistra Urban Futures research project Implementing the New Urban Agenda and The Sustainable Development Goals: Comparative Urban Perspectives and Principal Investigator in the LIRA Agenda 2030 research project Co-producing urban knowledge in Angola and Mozambique through community-led data collection towards meeting SDG 11.
Sylvia has taught in the department of sociology at Stellenbosch University and the University of Cape Town and has published several peer-reviewed articles, papers and book chapters. With Prof Susan Parnell, she was co-lead author of the UCLG “Development of the 5th Global Report on Local Democracy and Decentralization (GOLD V): ‘Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Agendas’. Africa Chapter”.