This project studies the development of industrial mega-infrastructure in the context of Bangalore’s transition to a largely service-sector economy.
Tanvi’s work has been primarily in the field of research and communications. She has worked with organisations in areas of urban governance, electoral reforms and public policy, contributing in areas of research, communications and project management. She was part of a team that studied fiscal decentralisation at the Panchayat level in Kolar district in Karnataka. The focus of her research was on understanding the fund flow at the Panchayat level, and the political processes and institutions associated with it.
Tanvi has also contributed to publications such as Hindustan Times, Mumbai, and India Together where she has written on topics related to politics and development. She is a part of the project management and communications team under GCRF-PEAK. In addition, she also contributes to the ‘Urban Infrastructure and Planning and Governance’ stream’ as a researcher. She received her graduate degree in Mass Media from Mumbai University and a Masters in Communication Studies from the Department of Media and Communication Studies, Savitiribai Phule University, Pune.