Comments to the draft document of the Development Plan: Itagüí, City of Opportunities 2020 –2023
This document is the result of a co-production process framed within the research project titled “Communities, accessibility and healthy living in Itagüí”
This document presents comments to the Itagüí Development Plan based on a participatory process with researchers of different academic institutions, representatives of different levels of government, and the group Dimú – dialogues with entrepreneurial women, a group of 37 women with low incomes who live in Itagüí, and who act as caregivers of at least one child.
This group of women constitutes an integral part of our research team and the recommendations here are based on their ideas and proposals. The methodology followed to collect inputs and comments is based on a series of YouTube videos produced and shared with women in Dimú that explain different chapters of the Development Plan relevant to our project. The videos were accompanied by worksheets and questions for discussion. Using the answers to such questions, a set of changes with new programmes and goals for the Plan are proposed that, if included, we believe could improve the degree to which the Plan represents the interests of the people in our team.