This project locates and urbanises the current state of the epidemiological transition in India and seeks comparatives across the global south.
Health and Wellbeing
Our projects in this theme incorporate interdisciplinary approaches such as exploratory data analysis and novel data visualization techniques; machine learning such as clustering algorithms; complex network visualization and GIS mapping techniques; social medicine, epidemiology and health statistics to look at issues such as access to disability healthcare, sexual health services, and greenspace.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, much of our researchers work was recalibrated through the pandemic lens, and investigated the intersectionalities of transport and (im)mobilities, health service access inequities, informality, and access to green space.
Urban Health in the Indian Metropolis: Systems, Intersections and Emergent Concerns
Urban Health in the Indian Metropolis: Systems, Intersections and Emergent Concerns
Health and Wellbeing
Informal Cities